Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Midterm (5)

Midterm (5)

Q Instructions Respond to five of the seven ethical issues presented here in clear, short answers. This is an open book exam. 1. Suppose a serial killer approves of her murderous actions. According to subjective relativism, are the killer’s actions therefore justified? 2. Do you think that morality ultimately depends on God (that God is the Author of the moral laws? Why or Why not? 3. What is the difference between persuading someone to believe a claim and givingthem reasons to accept it? Can a good argument be persuasive? Why or why not? 4. To what was Mill referring when he said, “It is better to be a human being satisfied than a pig satisfied”? Do you agree or disagree with this statement,, why or why not? 5. Provide an example of a conflict between a nonconsequentialist theory and a moral judgment based on the consequences of an action. 6. According to Kant, why is breaking a promise or lying immoral? Why or why not? 7. How might your life change if you adopted the natural law theory of morality?

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From one perspective it can be stated that God is the creator of everything and everything happens as per the wishes of God. From another perspective, it can be claimed that the presence of God is a question. When it comes to morality, it can be stated that God is the creator of all mundane creatures. At the same time, it is God who set the right and wrong even before the actions. It is opined that God has created punishment for immoral activities. It is beyond doubts that everything happens as per God's will (Ferguson, 2016).